christmas in october.
that's how we do.
haleigh and some guy
ma 'n pa
I'm not as sneaky as I used to be.
she thought it was funny
I don't know him
aaron checking for permission
i can't think of a caption for this one.
sara, haleigh, and some others
asleep again
shane's leg
such a cute kid
(when she's drunk)is it an elk, or a bear in disguise?
another waterfall type thing
some kids
same kids a few seconds later.
some trees and a river.
there's also some rocks.
some steam i saw
more steam
so steamy
enough steam already
some people on the trail.
i thought it looked cool.
so i took a picture of it.
got blue milk?
this is what happens to perfectly good pictures
after I get a hold of them
what a strange place
love the pictures, love the captions just as much! What a fun trip. We miss you...
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your post. You really should do them more often. You make me smile with your hilarious captions. What version of photoshop do you have? Wanna come down and give me some lessons???? I Really hate that picture of you and myself...not because I am in a picture with you...but it makes me see how really fat and ugly I am right now. Thanks for the incentive for botox, lipo and a face rejuvination.
Love and miss ya!
Feeling like getting your Wii butt kicked??? Come on down!!!!!
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