Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i got a dog.

Here's a little video I made. I hope you enjoy.

you're welcome.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

butter labe den nebber

Reunion Pics

This was actually my third attempt at posting these pictures. It's been a long time since I've felt technologically dumb. But thanks to sara's blogging wisdom (did I just cuss?), I was able to complete this post without too much frustration. Thanks and your welcome.

Oh and just so you know, almost all of these pictures have had some editing in the photoshop. I blame the camera, not the photographer. The End.

some guys wishing they had a hyde

bubbling mud


josh on his way down to the steamy area

lots of steam

some dude and isaac

bubbling water, steam, and some rocks


some people in front of some steam

jeff corwin and crew

wile e. coyote


some kids i know

too cool for the rest of ya

i think its some kind of code...
but maybe they're just windows

its faithful but not reliable

there's a hole in the earth,
dear lyza, dear lyza

earth acne

is it a beefalo, or a wolf in disguise?

this is a waterfall

i like my version better

the beginning of present opening?

can you see the light?

butter labe den nebber continued

More pictures

some people i know

christmas in october.
that's how we do.

haleigh and some guy

ma 'n pa


I'm not as sneaky as I used to be.

she thought it was funny

I don't know him

aaron checking for permission

i can't think of a caption for this one.

sara, haleigh, and some others

asleep again

shane's leg

such a cute kid
(when she's drunk)

is it an elk, or a bear in disguise?

another waterfall type thing

some kids

same kids a few seconds later.

some trees and a river.
there's also some rocks.

some steam i saw

more steam

so steamy

enough steam already

some people on the trail.

i thought it looked cool.
so i took a picture of it.


got blue milk?

this is what happens to perfectly good pictures
after I get a hold of them

what a strange place